Buying and selling SFP entitlements strategy

  • Buy entitlements to secure support for land bought or rented without them

  • Sell surplus entitlements, or to just to realise cash now

  • Sell poor value entitlements and buy higher value ones. Can be done without a large investment

  • Sell entitlements for 2007 claim year to boost cash flow, then buy back before 2 April 2007

  • Pay another farmer to take set-aside entitlements, being careful not to infringe EU ‘artificiality’ laws

  • Surrender low-value entitlements to create naked hectares to unlock higher value entitlements

  • Investment – Annual returns on entitlements are much higher than those offered by banks or building societies

  • Buy entitlements with low historic values – the value will increase during the move to regional area payment, producing higher returns

  • Buy set-aside entitlements cheaply now. They will be worth the same as normal entitlements in 2012, and still allows non-food crops and miscanthus cultivation

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