Bull breeders join forces

1 May 1998

Bull breeders join forces

YET further consolidation of the UK AI industry for dairy cattle comes with the tie-up announced this week between Avoncroft Cattle Breeders and French company Genes Diffusion.

Cheaper semen prices are promised by Avoncrofts managing director, John Williams. This is possible, he says, because the two companies are farmer co-ops. "Weve lost the middleman – that fighting for bulls element thats involved when working with a semen supplier to more than one company; we can now offer French bulls at better value for money," he claims, quoting prices of £15-20 a straw for high indexing bulls.

Mr Williams says that the partnership gives Avoncroft exclusive marketing rights in Britain to the Genes Diffusion stud. In return Genes Diffusion will be sole supplier of French genetics to Avoncroft, who will no longer market bulls from French company Sersia. &#42

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