Black-and-white breeders secure a triple success
Black-and-white breeders secure a triple success
By Jessica Buss
A HAT-TRICK of successes in the dairy cattle ring at this years South of England Show was enjoyed by black-and-white breeders Mr and Mrs Warnock from Folkestone, Kent
The Warnocks secured the Holstein Friesian, British Holstein and Supreme Championships.
Their Interbreed Dairy Supreme winner was the Holstein Friesian Capelletime Tong Nerissa, while their Capeleferne Belt Daffie was British Holstein breed champion. Interbreed reserve was Mrs S Kemps Ayrshire Pylon Easled, bred by D and R Heasman of Uckfield, Sussex, which also won the title of Unigate Super Dairy Cow based on inspection and PIN value.
Beef Interbreed Supreme champion and reserve were both selected from the reserves in their own breed championships. The title went to the British Limousin bull Gotham Masterpiece owned by Mrs M E Davis and reserve was British Simmental bull Heathbrow Henry owned by D A Sapsed.
A special mention should go to the Beef Interbreed Group, won by a team of three Sussex Cattle. The show also hosted the Sussex Cattle Breeders World Congress attracting a strong turnout of local stock and international visitors.
In the sheep ring, a Southdown shearling ewe from Mrs S Colman took the championship ticket over a Charrollais ram from C J Butler.
Interbreed M E Davis Limousin bull Gotham Masterpiece; res, D A Sapseds bull Heathbrow Henry.
Sainsburys super beef P Noels Sarabande Olympus; res, Lendors Lendor Nitro.
Aberdeen Angus P M Wrights heifer Rushcroft Beatrice; res, M C Spooners heifer Epansy third of Kingwood.
Hereford B Friths bull Brodnyx Nuckleduster; res, P Noels Sarabande Rose 48.
Highland J K Jaques cow Lady 4 of Dibden; res, D Owens bull Lester.
British Charolais Mortimers Farms cow Mowbraypark Gigi; res, P Foulgers bull Louchnagar Islander.
British Simmental D A Sapseds cow Awl Startet; res, DASapseds bull Heathbrow Henry.
Blonde dAquitaine J Smiths cow Hayton Imogen; res, P A De Giles heifer Bilsington Norma.
British Limousin K Barnetts cow Broadmeadows Herewego; res, M E Davis bull Gotham Masterpiece.
British White A Dunns bull Hevingham Polaris; res, C R Delamores cow Leverington Dahlia.
South Devon D A & C M Ashcrofts bull Chavid Mars; res, D A and C M Ashcrofts cow Chavid Daisy 2.
Any other breed J L Dunlops bull Tarant Jackel; res, Andrew Allan and Cos heifer Ashington Skylark 2.
Sussex Brookside Garden Centres cow Irene 6th of Teryle; res, its bull Trottenden Premier 14.
Interbreed J R Warnocks cow Capelletime Tong Nerissa; res, S Kemps cow Pylon Easled.
Unigate super dairy cow S Kemps Pylon Easled; res, Spiby and Partners Olympian Blackstar Harriet.
Ayrshire S Kemps cow Pylon Easled; res M D M Howies cow Ridley Hill Nest.
Holstein Friesian J R Warnocks cow Capelletime Tong Nerissa; res, W D Carrs cow Wet Dream Horton Jessica.
British Holstein J R Warnocks cow Capelleferne Princess Bina; res, W D Carrs cow Springbird Mark Starlet.
Guernsey A M and D Waters cow Buckmotts Bracken 4; res, Sir Howard Guinness White Ladies Gillian 42.
Jersey Barnowl Jerseys cow Barnowl Ruler Zebre; res, N Dain and Sons cow Wellhead Dreamres Squidgy.
Dexter D L Smiths cow Moomin Polydoodle; res, J A Knights Beechwood Perrywinkle.
Interbreed S Colmans Southdown shearling ewe; res, C J Butlers Charollais ram.
Southdown S Colmans shearling ewe; res, S Ponds ewe lambs.
Suffolk A B and J Longs shearling ewe; res, A J Cook and Sons ewe lambs.
Jacob C M Keats shearling ewe; res, A R Kelks ram lamb.
Texel Carroll and Healys ram; res, J W Horns ewe lamb.
Charollais C J Butlers ram; res, J F Mullins shearling ewe.
Rare breed J and S Taylors Ryeland ram; res, their Dorset Down shearling ewe.
Any other breed longwool M L Lampshires Border Leicester shearling ewe; res, Longwool M L Lampshires Border Leicester shearling ewe.
Any other breed shortwool G Greens Hampshire Down shearling ewe; res, his Hampshire Down ram lamb.
Any other breed Continental * M Metianus Rouge de LOuest ram; res, M J Moyers Bleu du Maine shearling ewe.
Interbreed P and M Reeders Welsh gilt Lopham Lucky Girl 48; res, Oathall Community Colleges Large White gilt.
White breeds P and M Reeders Welsh gilt Lopham Lucky Girl 48; res, Oathall Community Colleges Large White gilt.
Coloured breeds P and M Readers Large Black gilt Lopham Fashion 32; res, Canterbury Oast Trusts Berkshire gilt Highland Louise 21
Commercial Princess Christians Farms crossbred pork pig. *
Supreme beef champion was MEDavis British Limousin bull Gotham Masterpiece, who was reserve in his breed competition.
Dairy supreme champion was the Holstein Friesian Capelletime Tong Nerissa for Folkestone producers Mr & Mrs Warnock, led by Robert Warnock.
Sheila Colemans Southdown ewe took the supreme sheep title.
Australian judge Alister Lyon tries to pick the best conformation bull in the Sainsbury super beef bull competition at the South of England Show.