Ask others to help smooth the conversion path

12 February 1999

Ask others to help smooth the conversion path

SELF-HELP groups can help livestock producers avoid the pitfalls and myths of organic conversion.

Converting organic dairy producer Michael Drake, Freams Farm, Painswick, Glos, recently organised his first meeting for local organic producers to help smooth the path of conversion.

Mr Drake, who keeps 45 cows and runs a green-top milk round, says it is definitely worthwhile for those beginning conversion.

"There are myths about what you can and cannot do within organic production and talking to other people helps find ways around problems. We can discuss issues varying from technical aspects of grassland control to views on homeopathy," says Mr Drake. The Glos groups first meeting last week was attended by 10 producers. It was an informal self-help session allowing open discussion.

For other potential organic producers seeking advice, Mr Drake urges them to consider beginning a self-help group. &#42

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