Archive Article: 2001/06/22

22 June 2001

&#8226 GROWERS could reap long-term benefits from a campaign to boost peoples health by encouraging them to eat more fruit and vegetables, Tesco claims. The retailer is launching the campaign with the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, which says there is evidence eating fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. Tesco marketing director Tim Mason said there is huge scope for expanding demand.

&#8226 THE National Trust has appointed George Dunn, chief executive of the Tenant Farmers Association, as a member of its properties committee. The appointment is a personal one but Mr Dunn says that he hopes it will cement the relationship between the Trust and the TFA.

&#8226 THE efforts of Lady Caroline Cranbrook and farmer Robert Kennard to save Britains small abattoirs have been recognised by the BBCs Food Programme which has awarded them its Campaigner Award. Lady Cranbrook, who farms in Suffolk, said the continuation of small abattoirs was even more imp-ortant in the light of current debates on the future of agriculture. &#42

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