Soils in Practice 2017

The inaugural Soils in Practice event brought together over 120 attendees to hear from key industry speakers on the latest advances in soil fertility and best practice in soil management. The conference included panel discussions, networking breaks and practical in-field demonstrations throughout the day.

The event was held at Glebe Farm, Lincolnshire which spans 660ha arable land. The farm was situated on very heavy clay loam and sandy loam over limestone soil. The research and innovation at Glebe Farm is driven by the need to adapt to the difficult soil conditions and the historic problems with blackgrass. Through an integrated approach comprising of herbicide treatment, delayed drilling, weed seeding prevention and an amended cropping regime, Andrew Ward managed to achieve his third blackgrass-free harvest in 2017.

Soils in Practice is part of our commitment to helping farmers and the industry understand soil science and improve management through the provision of actionable technical information.

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