Farmers Weekly Awards 2022

Click on the winners’ photos to read their stories.

Farmer of the Year
David Fulton

Lifetime Achievement Award
George Dunn

Farming Champion
Farmers of Ukraine

Agricultural Student of the Year
Ben Chilman

Arable Adviser of the Year
Jock Willmott

Arable Farmer of the Year
Will Oliver

Beef Farmer of the year
Simon Cutter

Contractor of the Year
Martin Hayes

Dairy Farmer of the Year
Catherine Pickford

Diversification Farmer of the Year
Tanya and Tim Spittle

Environmental Champion of the Year
Angus Gowthorpe

Farm Manager of the Year
Rob McGregor

Farmworker of the Year
Mel Jackson

Grassland Farmer of the Year
Ian Boyd

Livestock Adviser of the Year
James Daniel

Mixed Farmer of the Year
Jamie Leslie

Pig Farmer of the Year
David Fulton

Poultry Farmer of the Year
St Ewe Free Range Eggs (owner Rebecca Tonks pictured)

Sheep Farmer of the Year
Andrew Wear and Jennifer Hunter

Young Farmer of the Year
Matthew Nichols

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The Farmers Weekly Awards is the most prestigious awards in the agriculture industry, recognising farmers' achievements across the country. Join us in celebrating farming and put farmers centre stage.


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