AVR improves depth control on four-row Puma potato harvester

Belgian potato machinery specialist AVR is upgrading the depth control system on its Puma four-row self-propelled potato harvester to improve accuracy and operator comfort.

The machine’s optional All Conditions Control (ACC) digging unit can set the depth either via diablo rollers or probes that don’t place any pressure on the top of the ridge. 

The latter has been overhauled and is now much more precise, keeping the digging unit – and the whole machine – more stable than before, especially at higher speeds.

See also: High-tech potato-grading line ups profits for Cornish grower

Available for new machines in 2023, it will improve operator comfort and ease of use in tough conditions, such as in sprayer tramlines or on slopes, as it requires no manual intervention.

AVR says it should also improve overall harvesting performance, which is determined by accurate depth – too deep and more soil enters the harvester that requires cleaning, and too shallow can lead to increased risk of crop damage.

The 2023 upgrade also allows the operator to reverse the first separating web when blocked in wet conditions.

Ely-based Standen Imports brings AVR harvesters and store equipment to the UK and a standard 4x90cm Puma 4.0 starts at €624,600 (£549,250) retail.

The upgraded ACC system is an additional €28,700 (£25,200).

AVR Connect

Each Puma can now be equipped with telematics capability through AVR Connect, first introduced in 2019.

Once registered online, it monitors and reports all machine activities to help identify where the machines can be made more efficient.

A pre-installed unit with SIM card collects the data and transmits it wirelessly to the AVR Connect platform.

This visualises the data in an easy-to-understand way so that users can keep tabs on machine performance remotely.

AVR offers an optional Trimble NAV900 GPS Sphere ex-factory. The firm says this is a must for accurate data collection, such as yield at the Puma’s picking off table.

The option includes a 12-month RTK precision subscription and costs about €9,700 (£8,500).

Alternatively, customers can choose to have it wired for Starfire 6000 with a connection point on the roof, allowing use of an existing John Deere receiver.

This does not include any RTK service subscription.

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