Pottinger unveils new tillage and fertiliser combination

Austrian manufacturer Pottinger’s Terria trailed cultivator is now compatible with the Amico F front-mounted hopper, allowing for cultivation and fertiliser application in the same pass.

See also: Tillage-Live 2022: Round-up of cultivators and drills on show

The hopper is available with either 1,700- or 2,400-litre capacity, which is divided by a 60/40 split for fertiliser and cover crop seed.

Buyers can opt to have one or two metering units, which can be accessed from the front so that the metering wheels can be changed easily.

The cultivator can be set to work at one of three depths when applying seed and fertiliser – top placement, mixed placement and bottom placement.

These range between depths of 0-5cm, up to 15cm, and up to 35cm respectively.

The Amico F system is also equipped with Isobus as standard, making it compatible with equipment from other brands.

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