Combine-mounted mill crushes weed seeds on the go

Australian farmer Ray Harrington has redesigned his retro-fit seed-milling kit so it can be mounted on the back of a combine, replacing the original trailed version. 

Research by the University of Western Australia suggests that the Harrington Seed Destructor will kill up to 95% of weed seeds collected from the chaff.

See also: Farmer’s combine tank auger modification makes life easier

Harrington seed detsroyer

A hydraulically driven cross auger and fan attach to the back of the harvester, forcing material through a cage mill into rotating blades that destroy the seed.

It produces a fine powder, which is spread across the back of the combine like a standard chaff spreader.  

Up to 15 machines per month are built by the family owned De Bruin Group in South Australia, and the company plans to expand into North and South America later this year.

However, the price might be a stumbling point – it costs £95,500.

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