Copper-oil Octoposts promise same lifespan as creosote

As the ban on creosote-treated fence posts looms – an exact date for which has yet to be confirmed – manufacturers have been scrambling to find a fitting replacement.

Copper oil has emerged as the current front-runner, promising similar protective properties to its forbear without the trademark heady aroma.

Posts initially have a green hue when treated, but weather to a similar dark brown as creosote.

See also: How to make fence posts on farms last longer

Swedish brand Octopost is one of the makers pivoting to this new treatment, offering its trademark octagonal posts with Tanasote copper-oil protection.

Just like creosote, the oily preservative penetrates the timber, helping it repel water and minimise splitting.

Added to that, the addition of “organic co-biocides” gives additional protection against fungal decay.

This, combined with the fact that the posts are made from slow-grown redwood timber, means they have the same 30- to 40-year expected lifespan and 25-year guarantee as their creosote versions.

There is a catch, which comes in the form of a 10% price hike on what were already premium posts. This puts 80mm x 1.6m Tanasote Octoposts at £6,27 each, compared with £5.47 for creosote alternatives.

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