Farm inventions competition – almost the last chance to enter

inventions comp
Main pic: 2004 winner Kevin Norman with his lighting cable tidy. Top: Fellow winner Gareth Powell with his trailer sheeting system 

If you want to enter the Farmers Weekly farm inventions competition, you’ll need to get your skates on as it closes this Friday (21 September).

If you’re a farmer, farm manager, worker or contractor and you’ve designed something that saves time, money or hassle (or benefited the business in some other way), then you can enter.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s simple or complicated, either.

We have three categories 
* Simple
* Intermediate 
* Complex.

There are three prizes: 
* £400 for each of the three category winners 
* £100 for each of the three runners up.
* A free three-day trip to the giant Agritechnica machinery show in Germany in November worth at least £500.

To enter, either email details + a couple of high-res digital pics to us. Or send details + pictures to: Farmers Weekly Farm Inventions Competition, Farmers Weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS 

Want to know more details about the competition?


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