Amazone unveils new standalone 6m folding power harrow

Amazone has extended its range of KE 02 power harrows with a new 6m variant suitable for tractors putting out up to 400hp.

The KR 6002-2-400 Rotamix, which folds to 3m for transport, is designed solely for standalone work and, as a result, cannot be paired with a coulter bar.

Its Rotamix system features four tine carriers per metre, allowing for smaller-diameter spur gears that keep the machine compact and relatively lightweight. 

See also: 12 power-harrow combi drill options with 3m working width

The 290mm-long KE trailing tines are said to produce a good crumb structure following a plough on heavy soil, and they can be swapped without tools using the firm’s Quick+Safe system.

Depth control is via a simple hole-and-pin system.

Height of the levelling board is determined by the roller, of which there are several options – a toothed packer for full crumbling and consolidation, a wedge ring, Matrix profile for light soils, or the firm’s trapezium roller.

amazone power harrow

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