Combine breaker John Manners moves into new parts
Northumberland combine breaker John Manners and Sons has branched out into selling new combine parts via the internet.
Called, its website claims to stock the main items that farmers usually look for when their combine breaks down. The most frequently requested of these are drive gearboxes for headers, concaves, sieves and pulleys, says the company.
Brand-new components for all the major brands will be kept as standard and dispatched within 24 hours, says the company. Items not listed will be ordered when requested and will be available within a week.
“Launching an online shop means a farmer or contractor can check himself whether we have a replacement ready to send out. It also means a 24/7 service that doesn’t have to wait until the parts department opens,” says Richard Manners. “We know the marketplace and what people need, and by selling online we are meeting the needs of the savvy shopper for combine parts.
“We will continue to supply good-quality second-hand parts from the breaking side of the business,” he adds.