Cereals 2016: The ploughs, drills and cultivators to see on demo
Given a dry couple of days, the dust will be raised on the working demonstration plots at the Cereals event by a diverse selection of tillage tools, seed drills and power units.
The event will mark the working debuts of a new British-built plough range and an Italian disc coulter drill with direct, min-till and conventional seed-bed capabilities, while latest tools for tickling stubbles to disrupt slugs and encourage weed chits will also be seen in action.
See also: Farmer’s home-made subsoiler-harrow smashes clay soils
Seed-bed cultivators, heavy-duty minimum tillage combination cultivators and an implement for preparing finely-tilled beds free of clods and stone in one pass will be of primary interest to growers of potatoes and other vegetable crops.
Among the static exhibits, direct drilling in its various forms – including strip drilling that creates narrow strips of cultivated seed-bed while leaving stubbles untouched between them – will be in focus again as growers continue to look for ways to drive down establishment costs.
Hubert ploughs, built to fill the void left by Dowdeswell Engineering’s closure last year, will make their working debut.
Based on structural components fabricated by long-time dealer Agri-Hire and wearing components from Dowdeswell Parts Services, the Hubert AH2145 is similar to a DP145 in-furrow and on-land reversible.
Production of lighter AH2141 in-furrow and AH2170 crawler models are also planned.
A number of new implements have joined the Proforge range, including the Disrupta arrow tine and mixing disc stubble cultivator, the Invertamin with two ranks of discs individually mounted on large leaf springs, and the Invertamax, a trailed heavy-duty disc cultivator with angled discs on individual legs attached by rubber buffer clamps.
J Brock & Sons
New 24m Brock Double Lock 2450 rolls in action, primarily to show the folding mechanism without the operator having to leave the tractor cab.
The two end sections fold round (the rolls can also be worked in this configuration to trim width or avoid obstacles) and the two halves brought together using the sliding drawbar and stays.
Also in action is the Farmet Kompaktomat seed-bed cultivator with tines between front and rear rollers.
Claydon Drills
The TerraStar ground-driven rotary tine light cultivator operates at 15kph to create shallow tilth with a “plucking” action, encouraging volunteer and weed seed germination and providing mechanical slug control. The 4m trailed Claydon T4 Hybrid trailed drill will also be in action.
George Moate
A 72in single-bed Tillerstar cultivator-separator featuring quick-release blades will prepare potato beds on the first day and for the second day will be fitted with hoods and rollers to make beds for onions, carrots, swedes, beetroot etc.
The newly uprated Pro-Til 6T drill, now produced exclusively with the Select system for seeding at 353mm or 706mm row widths, in action alongside a standard 4m trailed Pro-Til and the Rezult straw rake with five rows of flexible tines and optional leading discs for sparking volunteer and weed seed germinal and disturbing slug populations.
A 12m Quivogne Beaver stubble rake is destined for the demo plot to show the action of the trailed machine’s five rows of heavy-duty flexible tines in spreading chopped straw, tackling slugs and encouraging a weed chit for later control, plus the raise up, swing round folding mechanism for transport. A Pluton mounted disc, subsoiler and press will also be on the plot.
A 4m version of the new Ma/Ag Sicura SSP drill with up to 250kg per disc available for direct, min-till or conventional seed-bed sowing from coulters in two ranks with 2,500-litre seed hopper and transport wheels between.
Returning to Cereals with Deutz-Fahr 6 and 9 Series TTV tractors in action with tillage equipment to demonstrate SDF’s Agrosky technologies, including GPS auto steering, Isobus and iMonitor 2 touch-screen terminal, plus 6 Series CShift semi-powershift tractor.
The Sumo DTS (Deep Tine System) seed drill with leading disc, tine and wing tine coulter for 50mm strip drilling will be operating, along with a tractor front-mounted hopper, trailed Multipress and mounted Trio subsoiler/press.
TWB Engineering
Examples of TWB’s subsoiler, mole plough and disc-tine combination cultivators being shown, including the Terminator, which can be set up with discs leading soil loosening tines or vice versa ahead of a ring packer, and the Alternator with two disc rows, subsoiling tines, optional discs and packer.