Agrifac updates and renames its sprayers

Agrifac UK has updated and renamed its Dutch-made sprayers, with two models available in the self-propelled range – the Condor 3400 (3400 & 4000 litre tank capacities) and the Eagle 2700 (2700 litre tank capacity) with front mounted booms up to 36m.

The firm also offers the Milan series trailed sprayer range with tank capacities up to 7200 litres.

“The UK is an important market for Agrifac sprayers and we will be developing a dedicated dealer network to handle our professional sprayer range for professional operators,” says Agrifac UK’s general manager Ernie Wool.

Self-propelled machines are fitted with air suspension as standard and a patented chassis design increases stability by placing the centre of gravity in the centre of the machine. Even weight distribution of 25% on each wheel is constantly maintained, which minimises boom yaw if a wheel goes into a hole or over an obstacle.

“The UK is lagging behind other European countries in using wide booms which not only increases the sprayer’s output and reduces soil compaction but brings more land back into production due to the reduction in the number of tramlines. We have ambitious plans and look to develop our high capacity sprayer market in the UK.”

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