Weather ups and downs for Adrian Harrison

The good news this month is the upward movement of milk price. I am somewhat cynical though – why, when it is supposed to be a free market, are all the milk buyers like a flock of sheep with the terms and conditions? Whatever is said, it is just another way of making sure they are not paying the full price to all producers.

It is still unusually warm here with flies causing a few problems, and we have only just made the decision to bring the cows in. The weather has many positives, but with it has come unusual health problems; we have lost a couple of cows to pneumonia and one to tetanus; both of those issues are something we have not had before and have left us short on cow numbers. I am toying with the idea of buying some extra cows in, but am reluctant as we have been a closed herd here now for some time.

This week and last I have been working my way around Cumbria and the North West judging the Lakes Jersey Club Herd competitions. It covers a vast area, from the Ribble Valley right up to the Scottish Borders.

So far I have been to the more local farms and it is great to see all the different systems that people have adopted, in other words “a bloody good nosey for me.” Nothing draws out the farming community more than a good look around someone else’s farm along with a free meal.

Farmer Focus: Adrian Harrison

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