Training days to help eliminate sheep scab

The whole industry must unite to ensure sheep scab is eliminated for good.

“Sheep scab is not only a farmers’ problem. Those transporting, shearing, scanning, inspecting and selling medicines all have a role to play,” said ADAS consultant Kate Philips.

The incidence of sheep scab has increased steadily since deregulation of compulsory dipping in 1992 and in some areas scab is now endemic.

An RDPE-funded Stamp out Scab training and awareness campaign is currently running across the country with ADAS consultants and vets delivering training on behalf of EBLEX.

However, Ms Philips said although vets were keen to take up training, it had been difficult to engage the wider industry. This included auctioneers, shearers, scanners, abattoirs, pharmaceutical representatives, hauliers and consultants.

“We need all sectors to engage in training and take their share of responsibility in reducing scab incidence,” she said.

“There’s no shame in having scab; the shame is in not treating it. If everyone becomes more vigilant, we can truly get on top of this disease which is costing the industry millions every year.”

Find out more about upcoming training days and general information on the project by emailing or phone ADAS on 01432 820 444

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