Title retained for Masham wethers at Skipton

Masham wether lambs took their turn in the show area, as CCM Skipton’s peak sheep sale season continued apace.

The annual prize show for pens of 40 Masham wethers saw last year’s winner, Nidderdale’s David Verity, of Middlesmoor, retain the title and head the show prices when the victors sold for £59 each to HL Kitching, of Northallerton.CCM Verity Masham wether champs pic 2

The second prize pen from JM Wilson and Sons, of Beckwithshaw, sold for £54.20 a head to Bowood Farms, of Busby Stoop.

The show formed part of the fortnightly sale of 6,046 store lambs, which attracted buyers from near and far, including Wales and the eastern counties, stretching all the way down into Norfolk. The overall selling average was £56.18 a head, compared to £59.03 at last year’s corresponding fixture.

A large turnout of more than 1,500 Mule wethers levelled at an overall average of £50.91 each, £1 a head more than the previous fortnightly sale. Texel and Cheviot lambs also found a much better following, with more seasonal customers sourcing wintering lambs. The top end sold at £60 to £65 each, with long keep lambs making £54 to £59 per head.