Stirling: Galcantray herd tops Angus sale at 15,000gns
A strong Angus trade topped with the Galcantray herd at 15,000gns and seven other five-figure calls on Saturday (20 February).
Prices did not reach the 25,000gns highs of last year, but averages were up £600 on the year and £612 on the 2019 fixture.
The trade topper was Galcantray Jedi Eric V287 from David Walker, Cawdor, Nairn. He is the first son of the MAC Elvis K085 son JAC Just Eric N026, which was bought privately from Robert McNeil’s Kincardine Castle herd.
Jedi Eric is out of a Carhurlie Deka H684 daughter called Galcantray Killy Erica N615, which goes back to a Findhorn cow that was bought at a herd dispersal.
See also: Stirling: Angus hit 25,000gns
He sold in a two-way split to Jonathan Doyle, Drumhill herd, Northern Ireland, and Neil and Graeme Massie’s Blelack herd, Dinnet, Aberdeenshire.
Next at 12,000gns was the April 2019-born bull Duncanziemere Jetstream V322 from Alistair Clark and Sons, Avisyard Farm, Cumnock. He sold to Neil and Mark Tonley’s Tonley herd, Alford, Aberdeenshire.
Jetstream is by Carruthers Grenadier R797 and out of Jill S183, one of the herd’s best cows.
Next at 11,500gns was an April 2019-born bull from the Rulesmains herd of Andrew Hodge and his daughter Emma, from near Duns. Rulesmains Lord Hugh V245 was knocked down to J King, South Hill of Dripps, and was one of two by Rawburn Braw Lad R041 that reached 11,000gns.
The other Braw Lad son was Rulesmains Kai V226, who was bought by J Robert Galloway, Cardona, Perthshire, for 11,000gns.
Matching this was an 11,000gns bid for Idvies Frank, from the Frasers, Forfar. He is by homebred bull Idvies Kaiser S784 and out of Idvies France N606. He went to Balgay Farm, Perthshire.
Next at 10,500gns was Stouphill Major V267 from Northumberland breeder Dallas Allen, Humbleheugh, Alnwick. The Rawburn Estonian S383 son sold to W Manning, Dirnanean Farm, Blairgowrie, Perthshire.
Females to 3,200gns
Female trade topped with the June 2019-born heifer McCornick Duchess V641 at 3,200gns, consigned by Martin McCornick, Boreland, Newton Stewart.
She was by the Blelack Blackrod son Skaill Dino and out of the Wedderlie Even Bonus daughter McCornick Duchess.
She was knocked down to S and J Fisher, Cleuchead Farm, Roxburghshire.
The Mosston Muir Farm team sold two homebred yearling females by Mosston Muir Excalibur for 2,600gns. The first was Mosston Muir Eboy W402. Matching this was Mosston Muir Ember W403.
Averages: 66 (-16) bulls, £6,499 (+£679), 86% clearance rate; three females, £2,940 (United Auctions)