Strong numbers at Longtown Xmas sale

The Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart had forward 76 prime cattle, 11 over thirty month cattle, 6,421 prime lambs and 6,853 cast ewes and rams at their weekly sale at Longtown last week.

A total of 19 cattle were on display at the Christmas Show and Sale of prime cattle, where Judge Daniel Kemp cast his eye over them and awarded the championship to a Limousin heifer shown by Messrs J W Vevers, High Stenries which later realised 240p (£1,296) and was purchased by local butchers W. Kirkup and Sons, Longtown.


3 - Overall Champion Beast - Lim Hfr from J W Vevers, High Stenries.jpgThe reserve ticket was awarded to W H and M Sisson and Sons, Fenton Farm for a Limousin steer selling at 216p to W Kirkup and Sons, Butchers, Silloth Shop. Also awarded was the cup for The Best British Beast which was given to a Galloway steer shown by A Carruthers and Sons, Peela Hill, which went on to realise 218p purchased by W Kirkup and Sons, Longtown.


Another outstanding show of 6,421 prime lambs sold to a full ring of buyers, resulting in the best average seen for some time. The whole sale averaged 212.1p a kilo, with the SQQ weight range averaging and excellent 214.2p per kilo.

The Annual Xmas Show and Sale saw an entry of 42 pens of ten. Judging was ably carried out by Andrew Dawson, Sedburgh, who awarded the championship to regular, longtime customers, Messrs Cavers, Sorbie, Langholm for a pen of ten Beltex scaling 44kilos and realising £150 (341p a kilo) to Mr J Tucker.


1 - Overall Champion sheep from Messrs Cavers, Sorbie.jpgThe reserve champions went to a pen of superb Texel lambs from Messrs Whiteford, Tercrosset, which scaled at 50 kilos and realised £130 (260p per kilo) also to Mr J Tucker.