Strong Holstein trade at Moira
Fresh calved heifers and cows met a buoyant trade at thisweek’s Holstein NI show and sale, hosted by Taaffe Auctions at the PedigreeSales Arena, Moira.
Prices peaked at 2750gns and following a complete clearancethe auctioneers reported that four cows sold to average ÂŁ1701 each, while 18heifers changed hands to level at ÂŁ2144.10/head.
Meanwhile bulls soared to a top of 3250gns, and 13 lots soldto average ÂŁ2248.05 apiece.
Leading the female line-up at 2750gns was Carrowcroft JangoBleuky brought out by Geoffrey Patton, Carrowdore, County Down. Calved fourweeks and giving 43.5kg daily, she sold to Will Herron, Newtownhamilton, CountyArmagh. Sired by the Jocko Besne son, Jango, she is bred from five generationsof VG dams, and is out of a homebred cow which gave over 11,500kg in her fifthlactation.
Second highest price of 2420gns was paid to Harry Patton andSons, Newtownards, for the third prize winning Ards Marq I Red. Sired by BaileysRed Rock Red, and out of Ards Redmarker Marq I, she is backed by 12 generationsof VG and EX cows. Buyer was D Troughton, Portadown, County Armagh.
Judge, Ashley Fleming, Seaforde, awarded the female championshipribbons to Ards Airraid Magic, a fresh calved Sildahl Airraid daughter also consignedby the Patton family, Harry, Wilson and Wallace. Calved 10 days and giving 35kgdaily she caught the eye of William Ferguson, Derrygonnelly, County Fermanaghat 2400gns.
Next best at 2280gns was fourth prize winning Relough ZenithBlackrose brought out by Ronald McLean and Sons, Donaghmore, County Tyrone. Siredby Ocean View Zenith, she is out of VG classified Relough Stormatic Blackrose2. This heifer is backed by six generations of VG and EX cows and sold toRobert Shaw, Carryduff, County Down.
Messrs McLean also realised 2250gns for the third prizewinning Relough Shottle Roxie 16. Sired by Picston Shottle, she is a potential10th generation of VG or EX, and sold to D Troughton, Portadown.
The fourth prize winning Carrowcroft Jewel Darlene realised 2220gnsfor Geoffrey Patton, Carrowdore. Sired by the homebred Woodmarsh Conformer son,Carrowcroft Jewel, she is bred from seven generations of VG and EX dams. Thebuyer was Will Herron, Newtownhamilton.
Also coming under the hammer at 2220gns was December 2007born cow, Ards Zenith Nanette GP84 from Harry Patton and Sons. Sired by Ocean ViewZenith, she produced more than 8000kg in her first 305-day lactation. Calvedalmost four weeks she is giving 40kg a day and was snapped up by WilliamFerguson, Derrygonnelly, County Fermanagh.
The reserve female champion was exhibited by Sam McCormickfrom Bangor, County Down. Hilltara Carisma Liz was sired by the Silky Gibsonson, Dupasquier Carisma, and is bred from a VG88 dam which gave in excess of 9600kilos in her sixth 305 day lactation. This one sold to Robert Shaw, Carryduff,at 2180gns.
Pedigree Holstein bulls reached a ceiling of 3,250gns, paidto Ronald McLean and Sons for January 2010 born Relough Rotate. Sired by SandyValley Bolton, he is bred from the EX91 2E Relough Durham Rachel, which gavemore than 10,000kg in her fourth lactation. Buyer was James Bloomer, Dungannon,County Tyrone.
The reserve male champion, Millars Mister Mac, came underthe hammer at 2900gns for Martin Millar, Coleraine, County Londonderry. ThisFebruary 2010 born Regancrest HHF Mac son was bred from GBM Best Elegant(EX92-USA) which gave almost 13,000kg in her second. Buyer was Stanley Burns,Hillsborough, County Down.
Following close behind at 2800gns was the male champion,Kilvergan Lance, shown by Stephen Haffey and Sons, Timothy and David, Lurgan,County Armagh. This January 2010 born Golden Oaks ST Alexander son was bred from a VG (2yr) Goldwyn daughterwhich gave more than 13,500kg in her second lactation. The securing bid came from JohnShanks, Ballynahinch, County Down.
Also selling at 2800gns was the McLean family’s second prizewinning Relough Raptor. He was sired by England Ammon Million, and bred fromRelough Durham Rachel (EX91 2E) SP. This one also joins James Bloomer’s herd atDungannon, County Tyrone. (Taafe Auctions).