Sheep nutrition and feed

Information, advice and case studies on sheep nutrition including forage, minerals, supplements and grassland management.
Finishing stock is becoming increasingly expensive. Feeding a total mixed ration (TMR) can help with costs. Read about a Leicestershire sheep producer’s trial of a TMR diet to finish his Charollais- and Suffolk-sired lambs.
Feeding lambs TMR could help cut costs
A focus on alternative forages – what to use, sowing times and costs.
Alternative forages are cheap insurance for winter
Ewe nutrition
How to get nutrition right for lambing including a case study of the impact of twin-lamb disease.
Tips on using diet to prevent ewe setbacks
Changing the formulation of ewe rations can dramatically improve flock productivity and cut down lamb death rates.
Flock Focus: Feeding the ewe throughout pregancy
How ewe diet is in the crucial six weeks before lambing and advice on increasing lamb survival.
Make nutrition a priority to reduce lamb losses
Vitamins and minerals
Case study of a Welsh livestock farmer using trace element boluses to improve sheep health.
Minerals boost performance on Welsh hill farm
Grassland & grazing
Measuring and monitoring grassland growth at lambing time can help achieve earlier finishing times and reduce feed costs.
Tips to prepare grassland for post-lambing turnout
Advice and information on setting up an all-grass wintering system.
All-grass wintering reaps big benefits
Case study of a Scottish farm evaluating rotational grazing and cell grazing systems.
New Zealand grazing optimises grass use
Advice on achieving a good forage system with sward height and pasture type.
Flock Focus:sheep producers could do more to maximise grass value
How all-winter paddock grazing , widely used in the dairy industy, can benefit sheep producers.
All-winter paddock grazing can improve profits
Case study – former Farmers Weekly Sheep Farmer of the Year winner on using a low-input grass-based system.