Scottish beef groups finalise merger at Royal Highland Show
The amalgamation of the National Beef Association Scottish branch and the Scottish Beef Cattle Association was finalised at this year’s Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh.
The steering group for the newly formed Scottish Beef Association now plans to meet in the next few weeks and finalise a date for an AGM to appoint a chairman and board members.
Interim chairman for the steering group John Ross said: “This is a coming together of equals – each organisation has about 350 members – and the beef industry will be much better served by a single body working together.
“We know the Scottish government would much prefer to deal with one single body, and there is no doubt about it that everyone in the industry has a real desire for this newly formed body to succeed.
“Going forward the most important thing for this body is that it is inclusive, and the major challenge it faces is how it complements what Quality Meat Scotland and NFU Scotland already do for beef farmers in Scotland.”
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