Labelling rules for free-range poultry to be eased

Outdoor-reared poultry that are compulsorily housed during an avian influenza outbreak look set to retain their free-range status, no matter how long they are contained.

Currently broilers can only be labelled as “free range” for up to 12 weeks after a compulsory housing order is imposed, after which they must be labelled “barn reared”.

See also: Advice on cleaning free-range poultry sheds

But proposals contained in a new Defra consultation, which applies to England and Scotland, suggests that this restriction should be waved.

The consultation notes that just 3.5% of total UK poultrymeat production is free-range and that most flocks affected by mandatory housing measures would be slaughtered within the 12-week derogation period anyway.

“However, free-range turkeys, geese and ducks could potentially be affected by future mandatory housing measures, depending on the time of year they were in force,” it says.

The consultation also notes that similar proposals are also being considered in the EU, which would apply to Northern Ireland if implemented.

Fair trade

“Retaining parity with the proposed EU changes would enable the GB poultry sector to trade fairly with its EU competitors, avoid additional costs, and ensure that GB and NI producers can continue to operate on a level playing field commercially,” it says.

If supported by industry and agreed by government, the change would put meat birds on an equal footing with layers.

In August, Defra confirmed that the 16-week period after which eggs from housed laying birds in England and Scotland should be relabelled as “barn eggs” was to be waved.

This week, Defra indicated that legislation allowing eggs to be labelled as free-range throughout the mandatory housing period would be laid in parliament on 4 November, to take effect in January 2025.

The UK is currently officially avian influenza-free, though the industry remains on high alert following the detection of the disease in released pheasants in Worcestershire last month.

The latest consultation on free-range meat birds will close on 16 December 2024