Happy Egg brand gets six month ad run on ITV

Noble Foods’ flagship brand, The Happy Egg Co, is encouraging consumers to eat more eggs for breakfast, with a six-month advertising run before early morning weather forecasts.

Three 10-second short video clips known as idents will air daily on ITV’s Good Morning Britain’s local weather from 4 January.

It is understood that a major strategy for the brand this year is tempting consumers of “own label” free-range eggs to pay more for the brand. 

See also: Happy Egg shows huge growth in US market

Rob Newell, a director at Happy Egg said the ads were the start of a major marketing push in 2016.

“It’s part of a wider integrated campaign that will see several marketing bursts throughout the year, designed to ride on the positive momentum for eggs in terms of animal welfare, health benefits and consumer desire for provenance and transparency,” he said.

The Happy Egg Co is owned by parent company, Noble Foods, the largest producer of free-range eggs in the UK, in a market worth £800m.

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