Music to lay eggs by…

There was an interesting aside in the recent Westminster debate on the Welfare of Laying Hens Directive.

Shadow food and farming spokesman Huw Irranca-Davies, (surely the new Welsh Windbag), revealed that 1% of the general public believe the new Directive will require farmers to play music to their hens.

spitting image chicken songThis prompted an intervention from Montgomery MP Glyn Davies – himself a former poultry farmer – who said it was almost unheard of not to play music to the hens.

The New Welsh Windbag, who also confessed to keeping hens, responded that, as a former punk, the chickens would probably not welcome his choice of music.

So what music do indoor layers go for? The Feathered Forager has it on good authority that the following always go down well:


“Lay lady lay” – Bob Dylan

“The Chicken song” – Spitting Image

“The Birdie song” – The Tweets

“Free bird” – Lynyrd Skynyrd

* Got any other ideas? Share them on the Poultry Platform.