CIWF awards sourcing of high welfare poultry

Compassion in World Farming has announced the winners of its Public Procurement 2011 Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards with a host of universities and hospitals receiving Good Egg awards for their commitment to sourcing high-welfare poultry.

Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Health Care NHS received good egg awards for their egg sourcing while Bath Spa University and Cardiff County Council received Good Egg and Good Chicken awards for their policies.

Waverley Council received a Good Chicken Award with their high welfare policies set to influence the sourcing of more than half a million birds.

The Public Procurement Awards are part of the Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards and have been running since 2007 and have awarded procurement agencies who sourced products from 265 million animals in the last four years.

Green Assembly Member and former chair of London Food, Jenny Jones, said consumers and broader society needed to push for higher welfare in sourcing.

“The food choices that we make as individuals through our weekly shop, or as policy or decision-makers in the public and private sector, have clear impacts on the food chain,”

“Animal welfare concerns are a growing influence on consumer choices and purchasing habits and the food service sector must react to meet this consumer demand,” she said.

“It is our responsibility to accelerate this change by pressing for high ethical standards in procurement contracts to improve welfare standards in the industry.”

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