New animal health range from Mole Valley

A new range of animal health products was showcased by Mole Valley Farmers at this year’s Royal Cornwall Show.
The own brand Molecare Animal Health range was created to help livestock producers prevent disease and rear healthier and more productive animals.
The first product to be launched – Molemec – is an Endo and Ecto Pour-on cattle wormer, manufactured by the producers of the original invermectin product.
Mole Valley Farmers vet services manager Patrick Traill said the co-operative hoped the range would offer a “complete package of animal health solutions” with a range of products and advice and support from its team of experts.
The co-operative’s head of agriculture Keith Ockenden said: “As the Molecare range develops, products will be available not only for cattle but for sheep and horses, too, where the continued emphasis will be on quality and value, providing a trusted animal health solution.”