More Royal Show reaction
As expected the news that this year’s Royal Show will be the last has drawn a mass of reaction from people across the industry, with people wondering just what has happened to make RASE call a halt to the show.
What is particularly baffling is that in RASE’s Strategy Document dated 1 March and posted to its website on 2 April the organisation states there are three objectives in helping deliver its aims. Intriguingly this document was changed by 11am this morning!
The third of these objectives is “Deliver annually both technical agricultural shows and the public facing Royal Show in support of other priorties”
So, the question which RASE needs to answer ASAP is what suddenly changed? If on 1 March the Royal Show was still a priority why isn’t it now and why was the document published on 2 April without being amended?
Are trade stand bookings for this year’s event so lacklustre they felt the need for a publicity stunt to draw more people in?
It surely can’t be a lack of stock entries, schedules only went out last week, so few if any forms will have been sent back yet.