Livestock Legends: Meet 16-year-old dairy cow Betty

This week’s Livestock Legend,16-year old cow Betty, has been put forward by dairy farmer Ian Barker.

Born on 20 December near Buckingham, Mr Barker bought her three years later at Buckingham Rugby Club from the captain of the Pot Bellies Rugby Team for £622 after a good night out, he says.

See also: Check out the livestock legend wall of fame and upload your picture

Betty has produced 15 calves, including three sets of twins and only recently calved a beautiful Hereford-cross, according to Mr Barker.

This matriarch of the herd has never had mastitis and is still producing 6,500 litres/year.

If you have a livestock legend in your herd or flock, then we want to hear about it.

Maybe you have a suckler cow that has produced an unusual number of calves over its lifetime, or a dairy cow that is a particularly efficient producer of milk.

Email a short description of your legend along with a picture to

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