Meet our new Farmer Focus writer: Jessica McIsaac

We asked our new writers to answer a few quick-fire questions to give you a taster of what they’ll be talking about before they put pen to paper.
Q1. Name and location.
Jessica McIsaac, Northern California, USA
Q2. What type of farm do you run?
I run a family dairy farm with my husband’s family. My husband is Neil McIsaac III and his parents are Neil Jr and Denise McIsaac. It is an organic dairy with 350 registered Holsteins. Additionally we have 6,000 organic pasture laying hens. We have 700 acres.
Q3. Describe yourself in four words.
Outgoing, determined, organised and hard-working.
See also: Read Jessica’s first Farmer Focus column here
Q4. What hobbies do you have off the farm?
My family is my everything. I have a stepson who is 15, twin boys, five, and a daughter two.
Q5. If you could change one thing about the agricultural industry what would it be and why?
It would be government thinking so they understand farming and stop making regulations that have such a big impact on our farms and businesses without actually having the proper information.
Q6. Tell us about the funniest moment you have had on the farm.
I get a laugh each summer when we have a hot day and my kids decide to swim in our water troughs.
Q7. Name one gadget you couldn’t be without and tell us why.
It may sound simple but I simply cannot live without my smartphone. I am constantly able to keep in touch with employees as well as contract workers for farm projects. Additionally, whenever I have down time I am using the internet options to research new technology.