Meet our new Farmer Focus writer: Gary Yeomans
We asked our new writers to answer a few quick-fire questions to give you a taster of what they will be talking about before they put pen to paper.
Name and location.
Gary and Jess Yeomans, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire.
What type of farm do you run?
We farm 100ha, a mixture of owned, FBTs, grass keep and short-term lets. Our main enterprise is a herd of 700 milking goats. We supply a local cheese factory. We also have a small pedigree Welsh Black suckler herd to graze permanent pasture. Jess also does farm inspections for Farm Assured Welsh Livestock (FAWL).
See also: Read Gary’s first Farmer Focus column here
Describe yourself in four words
Gary: Impatient, optimistic, positive, intolerant.
What are your hobbies off the farm?
Gary: Hunting, shooting and drinking.
If you could change one thing about the agricultural industry what would it be?
Better co-operation between farmers in marketing.
Tell us about the funniest moment you have had on the farm
After inviting a new townie neighbour for supper, she said she would walk across the fields. When she hadn’t appeared we went to look for her and found her hiding up a tree to escape some inquisitive weaned calves that had followed her.
What gadget couldn’t you live without and why?
Electric- and battery-powered foot-trimming shears.
If you could farm in any other country where would it be and why?
Australia or New Zealand, because they have a can-do attitude, speak English and play cricket and rugby.
What are your aspirations for the future?
I would like to expand the farm business without becoming a slave to it.