Farmer Focus: Attention to detail pays off in lambing shed

We have had a tremendous month: a tremendous challenge lambing with a cold wind blowing through the lambing shed, and a tremendous result with only two preventable losses in the lambs.

Yes, it’s easier lambing only 200, but it still takes a remarkable attention to detail to ensure every lamb is dry and has sucked sufficient colostrum.

Having our apprentice here has reiterated how much we actually do.

See also: Expert advice on assessing and managing lambing difficulties

About the author

James and Belinda Kimber
Livestock Farmer Focus writers James and Belinda farm 850 commercial and pedigree sheep and 30 pedigree Simmental and Charolais cattle in Wiltshire across 95ha (45ha owned). James also runs a foottrimming business and Belinda has a B&B.
Read more articles by James and Belinda Kimber

Although it’s not easy, we find the effort involved in lambing hugely rewarding. Nursing a smaller triplet or holding a wobbly lamb onto the teat – these are the real efforts farmers are currently “guilty” of.

Yes, we love the job, but politicians are removing a lot of that passion.

We finished lambing on day 28, having taken the rams out after 34 days.

The majority lambed in the second cycle, and we have been told that two cycles with the teasers before the tups is probably better for the earlies. We keep learning.

Our lambed ewes are being fed in bunkers, which makes feeding much easier. The total mixed ration is yielding good growth rates, with the first lambs shaping up nicely.

They will be vaccinated and treated for coccidiosis this week.

The next 500 ewes have had their clostridial vaccination and boluses, and have been dagged ready for mid-March. They have also been blood tested for nutritional status and we are awaiting results.

We are now onto first-cut grass silage with maize and high-protein soya at an inclusion rate depending on litter size.

The first 200 ewes produced good-quality colostrum and birth weights, so hopefully the next lot will be the same.

Sadly, we missed the buzz at Stirling bull sales, with both Simmental and Charolais achieving new record averages.

More amazingly, the highest Charolais sold to a top suckled calf producer showing the fantastic returns quality beef calves are achieving.

When a country’s leader starts using blackmailing tactics, everyone should realise there is no reasoning: to choose between NHS waiting lists and (implying) wealthy farmers’ tax breaks really is the bottom of the barrel.

Intelligent people realise that good-quality food is part of the future NHS. Farmers are part of the solution – we need a wake-up in political circles really quickly.