Limousin takes Suffolk Show interbreed

The Limousin leader, Sundale Bon Bon from Peter Gooderham took the interbreed cattle championship at Suffolk Show earlier here at Ipswich.

This one from Mr Gooderham’s 70-cow herd based at Eye, Suffolk, is by legendary sire Broadmeadows Cannon and was shown with a Samy sired heifer calf at foot. She was reserve breed champion at Newark earlier in the month and took the interbreed titles at East of England, Norfolk and Kent last year.

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Standing reserve overall was the Charolais leader Weybread Tiffany,a Beauchamp Ferrari daughter from the Harper family, Diss, Norfolk. She was shown with a January born bull calf at foot.

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Taking the native championship was the Aberdeen-Angus champion, Shadwell Elfin, from Shadwell Estates’, Thetford. This is by Muirhall Total Deal and out of Shadwell Elf.

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