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Introducing a gamechanging new integrated beef supply chain
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Sainsbury’s and ABP are changing the way they produce and buy premium British beef and have created an industry leading integrated beef supply chain. It’s all about providing farmers with greater security and stability, embracing the very best in Aberdeen Angus genetics, and delivering amazing beef with a lower, more transparent hoof print that keeps British beef in consumers’ baskets. But it’s more than just an integrated beef supply chain. It’s a Gamechanger for farmers and consumers.
For more information see or contact or call 01458 259 413

Gamechanger is an industry leading integrated beef supply chain. It’s all about providing farmers with greater security and stability, embracing the very best in Aberdeen Angus genetics, and delivering premium beef with a lower, carbon foot print that keeps British beef in consumers’ baskets.
The foundation of the Gamechanger programme is the business model. Dairy farmers, rearers and finishers are offered a fully transparent forward pricing model. The pricing is done before the dairy farmer uses the genetics.
This allows all farmers in the Gamechanger supply chain to make business decisions rather than play the volatile market, giving everyone confidence in the system.
Genetics form a vital part of the program. ABP has worked in partnership with Genus/ABS for more than 5 years developing a sire index using Aberdeen Angus genetics that are proven to be easy calving, faster growing in the Blade Farming rearing system and better feed efficiency on forage feeding finishing farms as well as optimising carcass yields in the meat plants.

© Anglo Beef Processors Ltd
The system begins with dairy farmers ordering the dedicated genetics and a calf price is locked in. Calves are collected 9 months later after they reach at least 10 days old and meet the weight for age specification and are fit and healthy.
There are no marketing fees or commission charges. The calves are collected by the Blade Farming team and delivered to one of high health dedicated rearing farms where stringent health protocols are implemented.
After the 12 week rearing phase calves are delivered, in batches, to finishers with a lifetime contract and Agri Webb software to help measure, management and benchmark performance.
The EID tags and easy use of synchronising weigh data from weighing equipment and mobile phone app is a key benefit.
The proven genetics result in cattle finishing much younger than other AA genetics.
The target age is 20.5 months but many cattle are finishing earlier meaning the finisher can have more batches through the farm.
Another key benefit for rearers and finishers is the unique financing model available so working capital is covered by the program.

© Anglo Beef Processors Ltd
Consumers will benefit from high quality, consistent beef with a lower carbon footprint through a group of beef farmers on a long term, sustainable beef contract removed from the market.
If you are interested in becoming a calf supplier, rearer or finisher please contact the Blade Office on 01458 259413 or visit our website