App uses satellite tech to abolish need to measure grass

Grassland farmers can now use a pasture management tool that uses satellites to help predict grass covers instead of having to measure grass using plate meters.

Grass Sat uses a grass growth model that monitors more than 20 different parameters, including daily weather, soil and earth observation from satellites.

Alongside this, farmers enter management activities into the tool.

The model makes hundreds of complex calculations every hour, which produces information on soil properties, grass characteristics and grass growth rates (kg dry matter/ha).

See also: Video: How satellites could revolutionise grass measuring

Farmers can find out at any given time:

  • How much grass is available
  • Daily grass growth 
  • Number of days required to graze each paddock
  • Grass wedges
  • Average grass coverage across the farm
  • Paddock health analysis – this allows farmers to quickly identify where remedial work may be needed.

Speaking at Dairy Tech, Rezatec development director Craig Pinhorne-Smy said: “Grass Sat removes the need for farmers to measure grass.

“By displaying the data in visual graphs, farmers can see how much grass is available and this allows them to plan grazing strategies.”

The product is currently on a start-up offer and will cost £20 for two months. You can download the app from the App Store.