EBLEX Business Pointers: Calculating the cost of producing beef and lamb
Once again EBLEX and Farmers Weekly have teamed up to produce the EBLEX Business Pointers for livestock enterprises.
As before Business Pointers aims to be a useful reference point enabling farmers to compare their beef and sheep enterprises and highlight areas of business where farms are performing well as well as those where there is scope for improvement.
Rising input costs have made the compilation of up-to-date figures essential and it is because of this that a snapshot of data from March to August this year has been included alongside the full 2007-2008 financial year data to give a more accurate indication of performance.
Additionally, non-cash costs, such as family labour and rental value of owner-occupied land are included to ensure farms are viewed in the same way as other businesses.
- Global consumption
- Exports 2009
- Sheep/beef farmer profiles
English cattle
- Lowland suckler herds
- LFA suckler herds
- Combined rearer/finisher herds
- Extensive cattle finishing
- Intensive cattle finishing
English sheep