Dairygold’s west Wales cheese centre – and 115 jobs – in jeopardy
The future of a west Wales cheese packing facility is in doubt after Dairygold Consumer Foods UK’s decision to initiate a 90-day consultation period with the plant’s 115 staff.
The company at Felinfach in Ceredigion is a subsidiary of the Irish dairy product processor Dairygold and has the capacity to pack 1000t of cheese a week.
It is understood that throughput in the last year totalled only 10,000t.
Most was Dairygold branded cheese.
“Despite continued business development efforts the facility continues to operate well below capacity,” said site manager John Thomas.
“If a solution cannot be found the management will need to consider ceasing operations.”
Spokesmen for both McLellands and First Milk said there was no link between their successful Aeron Valley Cheese factory and the adjacent Dairygold facility.
Our Milk Price Review for October shows just one increase – Wyke Farms raising its constituent values by 0.2p/litre. There are seven cuts – Graham’s Dairies by 0.5p/litre, Joseph Heler 0.4p/litre, Meadow Foods 0.39p/litre, Paynes Dairies 0.35p/litre, Dairy Farmers of Britain 0.3p/litre, First Milk 0.21p/litre and Westbury Dairies by 0.2p/litre.