Dairy sector mourns loss of Professor David Beever

Professor David Beever, who was a world leader in ruminant nutrition, has died following a short illness.
Professor Beever was born on a small South Yorkshire farm and went on to make an outstanding contribution to global agriculture.
His career began in 1969 when he joined the Grassland Research Institute in Hurley eventually becoming head of ruminant nutrition.
In 1992 he became Professor of Animal Science and Head of CEDAR at the University of Reading.
During his career, his research output included 550 scientific publications including 200 peer reviewed papers, conference proceedings and book chapters.
In 2004 after leaving Reading, he joined Keenan, the technology and feeder wagon specialist, as Chief Scientific Advisor.
Keenan’s CEO Gerard Keenan believed he would bring scientific validation to what the company was seeing on farm. Gerard says “David brought much more. But first he challenged and argued.”
Later, supported by other leading scientists, David was to develop the connection between rumen function, better feed conversion efficiency, improved farm margins, and reduced environmental impact.”
David worked worldwide for Keenan including China, India and the USA. His huge personality and passion for the dairy industry made him unforgettable, and he commanded great respect and admiration wherever he travelled, as he spoke the truth and was not patronising.
He really loved the underdog, and his interests were in the farmers that would listen and respond, who would appreciate what he could do for them. Often these farms were small or medium, but he just wanted to help.
In 2007 he was recognised by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for contributing to the awarding of the Nobel Prize for 2007 to the IPCC.
In 2009, he was awarded the RABDF Princess Royal Award for his outstanding services to the dairy industry.
At his funeral personal tributes were paid from colleagues in research from the USA, the UK and Ireland.Jim Drackley, Professor of Animal Science at Illinois said “I first became familiar with his name and research in the 1980’s.
“He was already a giant in the ruminant nutrition field, one of those names I looked at in awe as a young aspiring scientist. His research was classic and has assumed renewed relevance today in light of issues of climate change and sustainable agriculture.”