Cheesemaker launches crowdfunding appeal to stay afloat

A cheesemaker whose business has been devastated by Covid-19 restrictions has launched a crowdfunding appeal in a last-ditch bid to keep trading.

Hamm Tun Fine Foods has been making handmade, award-winning cheese in Northamptonshire since 2013. But owner Gary Bradshaw fears that the business is on the brink of collapse and will only survive if it receives urgent financial help.

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“Due to Covid-19, times are tough and the future is uncertain. Like many, we have seen our business disappear overnight,” said Mr Bradshaw.

“I, with the support of my family, have invested everything into the business,” he added. On his crowdfunding appeal page Mr Bradshaw said his family had worked hard to ensure bills had been paid and to keep cheesemaking alive.

But he said there was no longer any stock left in the maturing room for the future.

“We need help to survive and we are looking to try and secure funds that will keep the business afloat until spring 2021,” Mr Bradshaw explained.

Business only

Mr Bradshaw has pledged to use donations solely to fund the business and not to draw personal wages.

The target is to reach £40,000 by the end of December, with a little over 12% reached in the first few days.

The appeal page also has details of reward purchases where people can pitch in to help by buying Hamm Tun products.