Livestock 2012: Top 10 cattle health and welfare issues

The Cattle Health and Welfare Group (CHAWG) have released a report on cattle health and welfare concerns across Britain.

A number of organisations across the cattle industry were asked to list their top ten concerns.

The report found that the health and welfare challenges for the beef and dairy sectors were very similar.

Top Cattle Health and Welfare Concerns across GB
Beef Dairy
Fertility Fertility
Mastitis Mastitis
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Lameness
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
Johne’s Disease Johne’s Disease
Liver Fluke Bovine Tuberculosis
Nutrition Nutrition
Calf Pneumonia Calf Pneumonia & Scour
Calf Scour Parasitic Gastroenteritis /Lungworm
 Parasitic Gastroenteritis /Lungworm Genetics

You can read the whole report on the EBLEX website

For more on this topic

See our Livestock 2012 event page

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