Advice for livestock farmers considering a switch to organic

Farmers considering converting to organic production should take a whole-farm view when weighing up their options.

Talking to other farmers with first-hand experience is also time well spent, says the Soil Association’s farming adviser, Jerry Alford.

See also: Organic grassland farm seeks £73/ha profit lift with less output

Jerry offers the following advice:

Choice of breed

Organic livestock systems are based on free-range principles, so breed selection is important.

Native breeds of cattle and sheep can finish off grass without the need for bought-in feed. There is no requirement to outwinter, but hardy breeds can reduce wintering costs and suit bale-grazing systems.

Organic production can also be a form of risk management: a high-input beef system based on feeding silage and concentrates to produce a big carcass, for example, carries a lot of risk.

A small, fertile cow producing one calf a year off grass (with minimal extra cost) can be more useful and profitable than a large cow that needs housing and winter feed.

Choice of system

Organic cereals are pricey, so avoiding the need for creep feed and final finishing diets is key to profitability.

So is matching the system to the farm. Lambing and calving are best timed to fit grass growth, to avoid the need for extra feed.

Winter cover crops, grazing of winter cereals, and rotational grass leys are commonly used to allow a longer grazing season and make the most of the grass/clover fertility-building periods.

They can also form part of a worm control strategy.

Market knowledge

Working with abattoirs and buyers such as the Organic Livestock Marketing Co-operative ensures there is a ready market when the business has stock available and helps with planning for peak demand.

There is always a demand for doorstep sales of organic products, and developing local markets reduces risk, particularly for smaller producers.