£90,000 record at Dalmally Blackface ram sale

It was a flying trade at the Blackface ram sale at Dalmally on Saturday where a lamb sold for a record price of £90,000 from Ian Hunter, Dalchirla.

20121012_2091.JPGThis equals the breed record, which was for a shearling, also from Dalchirla, sold two years ago and is the record price for a lamb.

This son of the £30,000 Aitkenhead and out of a £28,000 Midlock mother caught the eye of three breeders, Hugh Blackwood, Auldhouseburn; Ian Campbell, Glenrath, and Willie Dunlop, Elmscleugh.

The second into the ring from Dalchirla was a twin to the first and went on to make £60,000 in a five way split to John Harkin, Loughash; Ewan Macmillan, Lurg; Archie MacGregor, Allanfauld; John Findlay. Blackcraig and Andrew Kay from Gass.

Dalchirla sold their third lamb for £24,000, this son of a homebred son of £14,000 Elmscleugh went to Willie Dunlop, Elmscleugh.

And Hugh and Alan Blackwood from Auldhouseburn sold their pen leader, a son of £65,000 Auldhouseburn for £26,000 to Billy MacFarlane, Drumgrange.

Other leading lamb prices:

£6,000 Glenrath to Aitkenhead; £4500 Elmscleugh to Castle Estate; £4500 Nunnerie to Auchloy, Loughash, North Amulree, Blackcraig & Dullator: £4500 R McKay to Dalchirla. £4000 Midlock to Dalblair; £3800 Auldhouseburn to Jaw & Ben Lomond; £3200 Pole to Glengorm; £3000 Midlock to East Bracklin; £2800 Elmscleugh to Dalblair; £2800 Pole to Drimsynie & Lephinchapel; £2500 Elmscleugh to Chirmorrie; £2500 Troloss to Elmscleugh.

The shearling ring was also topped by Dalchirla when a son of £22,000 Connachan sold to Jimmy & Donald Macgregor, Dyke for £13,000. Another two from this home sold for £9,000, the first a son of £25,000 Nunnerie was sold to Alastair MacArthur, Nunnerie and the next at this price, a son of £10,000 Gass went in a three way spilt to Billy Renwick, Blackhouse; Tommy Renwick, Williamhope and Burncastle Farming Co. There was a good steady commercial trade for the sheariings and very few went unsold, although the averages were back £28 to £625 for 488 sold.

Other leading shearling prices:

£6,000 Lurg to Nunnerie & Loughash; £5,000 Pole to Letar & East Bracklin; £5,000 Midock to Gass; £4,500 Dalchirla to North Amulree & Connachan; £4,500 Dalchirla to W McNicol £4,000 Connachan to North Razzie Sheep Stock Club; £4,000 Connachan to Pole; £3,500 Blackhouse to Glendamph; £3,500 Glenrath to Holylee; £3,500 Dalchirla to Elmscleugh; £3,500 Connachan to Old Spitall; £3,500 Dyke to Rhodders; £3,500 Auldhouseburn to Crosswoodburn;

Averages: 146 lambs, £2,091 (United Auctions)