Northumberland young farmer elected NFYFC chairman

A Northumberland young farmer has been elected as the new chairman of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) and will lead the rural group during its 90th membership year.

Edward Dungait, an arable farmer from Morpeth, said it was an honour to be elected chairman as the NFYFC celebrates a significant milestone in its long history.

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The 28-year-old – who has been a vice-chairman of the council for the past two years – will be supported by the newly elected vice-chairmans Rosie Bennett, from Devon, and Drew Bailey, from Derbyshire.

After two years of restrictions and many Young Farmers’ Club (YFC) events cancelled or moved online, Mr Dungait said he was looking forward to uniting members from across England and Wales at activities and events.

The rural group has reported an encouraging rise in membership numbers, following a difficult period during the pandemic.

“It has been a challenging few years for YFCs, but we have come back even bigger and better this year, with thousands of rural young people joining the organisation again,” said Mr Dungait, who is a Tritlington YFC member.

“The NFYFC council is made up of a diverse range of members from across England and Wales and I am really looking forward to working with such enthusiastic people who are all committed to driving our organisation forward. Our competitions programme is already under way, which is all set to be held in person again this year.”

Formed in 1932

The NFYFC was formed in June 1932 and Mr Dungait says the organisation is planning a national event to mark its 90th year.

Members gathered at the group’s headquarters in Warwickshire and online on Sunday 20 February to pass motions that affect the running of the organisation and elect new officers to the NFYFC’s council.

The national council is made up of 63 members, associate members and co-options from across England and Wales and is elected by YFC members to represent their views.

New leaders were elected for five steering groups within NFYFC – competitions, membership and marketing, personal development, YFC Agri (young farmer representation) and the youth forum.