Five minutes with…Bizza Walters, young farmer and agricultural advocate

At 26, Bizza Walters from Warwickshire is deeply rooted in the world of farming.

Coming from a farming family where her dad and uncles are third-generation farmers, she has spent her life surrounded by the beat of agricultural life.

Their mixed farm spans 202ha, running 500 sheep alongside a feed merchant business and holiday lets.

Bizza’s academic journey led her to the Royal Agricultural University, where she graduated in 2019 with a degree in Applied Farm Management.

See also: Five minutes with…Erin Wright, degree apprentice

Bizza’s connection to farming developed from a young age. “I’ve always known that this was the path I wanted to pursue,” she says.

Although she doesn’t work full-time on the farm, she keeps her own sheep and assists her dad whenever possible.

Currently, she works with the Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies), helping young farmers change their attitude to farm safety.

Future aspirations

Looking to the future, Bizza is excited about her aspirations in agriculture.

“I really enjoy media and want to continue presenting agriculture to the public,” she says.

She is also passionate about her work with the Farm Safety Foundation.

She aims to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities within the agricultural sector.

In her spare time, Bizza is a social media enthusiast, using platforms suach as Instagram to network and share her experiences.

She loves unwinding by riding her horses around the farm, all while creating engaging content that highlights the beauty and importance of agriculture.

When it comes to inspiration, Bizza looks no further than her parents.

“My dad is my main inspiration in the farming community,” she says.

His entrepreneurial mindset and innovative ideas for creating income from their farm have greatly influenced her.

Bizza also admires her mum, who balanced raising three children while supporting the family farm.