Chris Bennett: Head overseas for a fresh insight

Before the pandemic, a year working abroad had almost become a right of passage for people entering agriculture.

While the pandemic has extended my time abroad, it has taken away that opportunity from two years of school leavers and university graduates. 

I realise that travel is a privilege for those of us fortunate enough to be able to afford it, and it is by no means a prerequisite for being a top-performing farmer.

See also: Chris Bennett – Ukraine war highlights food security risk

But many of those who are making a difference in the industry have travelled and often taken ideas from their experiences overseas.

When I decided my future was on the family farm, I was advised to work abroad before I returned. Following this advice has changed my thinking, both agriculturally and personally.

Seven years later, I now have a New Zealander as my wife and our first child is on the way.

I recommend New Zealand as it is different enough to the UK to widen your horizons, but similar enough to be relevant.

The language is the same (apart from wellies being called gumboots and fields being called paddocks) and the climate is similar, meaning many of the same crops are grown.

The biggest difference is that, economically and politically, agriculture in New Zealand is seen as critical.

About the author

Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett manages the arable and beef family farm he grew up on in Louth, Lincolnshire. He returned to the farm in 2022 after spending several years farming in the South Island of New Zealand.
Read more articles by Chris Bennett

The first question posed to new policies is “how will this affect our farmers?” In the UK, I fear this question is posed last, if at all. 

Being here has taught me many things – pasture management, farming without subsidies, and the value of a good work-life balance.

It has also given me a new appreciation for the beauty of the farmed UK landscape, and – despite their many frailties – the value agri-environment schemes can bring. 

It sounds odd, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Who knows what you will learn when you travel?

The only sure thing is that, when you do come home, you’ll bring back new ideas and a fresh perspective.

I am biased, so I would always urge people to come to New Zealand, but the value of working abroad can be realised in any country.

It will change your life. Just make sure you return in the end, your industry needs you.