Yorkshire Agricultural Society launches first-aid course for farmers

The Yorkshire Agricultural Society is offering life-saving first aid training to farmers across the county at a heavily subsidised rate, after securing grant funding from the Partnership Investment Fund.

The two half-day sessions will be held at Skipton Auction Mart on 25 May, and will cost just £20, instead of the usual £100.

See also: Royal Marines to deliver mental health training to Scotland’s ag sector

The course is delivered by Farm and Forestry First Aid (F3A), and will cover potentially life-threatening scenarios that are often seen on farms, such as incidents involving heavy machinery and quad bike accidents, and issues arising from livestock handling.

Fiona Macdonald, the Yorkshire rural support network co-ordinator at the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, said: “It is a sobering statistic that UK farming accounts for 18% of all workplace deaths. A total of 22 farm workers lost their lives on British farms over the past year.

“All the first aid skills delivered on the course help contribute to a better equipped farming workforce and could potentially save lives.

“It’s a great opportunity for farmers to gain really hands-on relevant training, ensuring their families and their workforce have access to important first aid skills should they be needed.”

Other elements of the course include administering CPR, the recovery position, use of defibrillators, and assessing and treating crush injuries, amputations and impalements.

For more information, or to book a place on the course, email FionaM@yas.co.uk