YFC AGM: Taking home the awards

This year’s National Federation of Young Farmers’ annual general meeting saw a raft of trophies handed out to various individuals and YFC county groups. Here’s a round-up of the winners.
The Worshipful Company of Farmers trophy (Champion small county federation, whose membership is amount the lowest 50% of counties)
Received by Helen Yates on behalf of Derbyshire FYFC
The Merrick Burrell Trophy (The county with the largest percentage increase in membership over the past three years)
Received by Jojo Chomse on behalf of Northumberland FYFC
The Prince of Wales (The county raising the most money per member for a charitable cause outside YFC)
Received by Tracy Knowles on behalf Cornwall FYFC
See also: Bid rejected to increase YFC age range to 30
The Lionel J Hill MBE trophy (The club that has raised the greatest amount of funds per member for charitable purposes over the last 12 months)
Received by Emily Gascoigne and Joshua Fincham on behalf of Wareham and Purbeck YFC, Dorset
Top trainer of the year
Received by Helen Yates, Derbyshire FYFC
See also: Farmers do fancy dress
NFU trophy (Champion County Federation in National Competitions Final)
Received by Mark Curr on behalf of Cumbria YFC
The Tug Wilson trophy (Reserve Champion County Federation in National Competitions Final)
Received by Caroline Trude on behalf of Devon FYFC
YFC multimedia trophy
Received by Laura Flower, Derbyshire YFC