YFC 2017: Trophy winners from Torquay

Special members were recognised at the finale of the 85th AGM of the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs, which took place on Sunday 23 April 2017.
Individuals and clubs that had gone the extra mile and notched up big achievements were awarded trophies in front of AGM delegates at the Riviera International Conference Centre in Torquay, Devon.
See also: News, photos and video from the NFYFC AGM 2017
Here is the roll call of honour. Well done to everyone who made it on to this prestigious list. If it isn’t you this year, who knows, maybe 2018 will be your turn.
Top Trainer of the Year Trophy
(Recognising excellence in delivery and continued hard work of YFC trainers who deliver Curve modules)
Nottinghamshire FYFC. Collected by Alice Beckett.
NFU TrophyÂ
(Championship county federation, Competition Finals 2015/16)
Cumbria FYFC. Collected by Richard Carruthers.
The Tug Wilson Trophy
(Reserve champion county federation YFC competitions 2015/16)
Devon FYFC. Collected by Claire Bellew.
The Worshipful Company of Farmers Trophy
(Champion small county federation, whose membership is among the lowest 50% of counties)
Warwickshire FYFC. Collected by Luke Crossman.
 The Merrick Burrell Trophy
(County federation with the largest percentage increase in membership over past three years, ending 31 August 2016)
Hertfordshire FYFC. Collected by Catrina Wootton
The Prince of Wales
(County federation raising the most money per member for a charitable cause outside of YFC)
Essex FYFC. Collected by Hannah Kelsey.
The Lionel J Hill MBE Trophy
(The club that has raised the greatest amount of funds per member for charitable purposes over the last 12 months – presented by Lionel Hill MBE)
Totnes YFC, Devon. Collected by Charlotte Wreford.
YFC Life Blood TrophyÂ
(Awarded to the county with the most members who have registered to give blood up to 31 March 2017.
Berkshire YFC.
Forage Aid Trophy
(Awarded to the YFC who has raised the most donations of money over the last 12 months for the Forage Aid charity).
Buckingham YFC. Collected by Will Gulliver.
The Sidney Fawcett TrophyÂ
(Member making the greatest contribution to this year’s AGM, judged by Julian Sayers and Jennifer Rabjohns)
Christina Coulthard, Cumbria.